

Tackling Dark Spots and Hyperpigmentation: Solutions for Even-Toned Skin

woman smiling

Tackling Dark Spots and Hyperpigmentation: Solutions for Even-Toned Skin

Also known as hyperpigmentation, dark spots develop when the skin has produced too much melanin, which is the pigment that gives the skin its color. This can happen for a number of reasons but, whatever the cause may be, chances are that you want your dark spots gone ASAP.

So, read on as Lavelier explains exactly what you need to do to fade the appearance of your hyperpigmentation once and for all.

What Causes Hyperpigmentation in the First Place?

There are a few different factors that can trigger the skin into producing more melanin than it actually needs, with the most common being: 

  • Sun damage – the skin produces melanin as a form of protection against UV rays. Spending too much time in the sun causes it to produce too much melanin. The extra pigment then clusters up under certain parts of the skin, causing those patches to darken.
  • Inflammation – inflammation increases melanin production. Inflammation can arise due to a variety of reasons, including acne, eczema, and skin injuries.
  • Hormones – hormonal changes can cause small areas of the skin to discolor. This is particularly common during pregnancy, which is a condition known as melasma.
  • Medication – certain medications can impact skin pigmentation as a side effect.

Figuring out the cause of your hyperpigmentation should always be a priority. This way, you may be able to tackle the problem at its root, preventing even more dark spots from forming in the future.

How to Get Rid of the Appearance of Dark Spots

Understanding the root cause of your dark spots to be able to prevent new ones from forming is always useful, but what about those dark marks that are already peppering your face? How do you get rid of those?

Here are a few of the most effective ways to fade the appearance of hyperpigmentation:

Exfoliate With AHAs

facial peel

Dead cells often contain excess melanin. When these build up on the surface of the skin, it can make hyperpigmentation look even darker. By regularly exfoliating your skin, you’ll be preventing that buildup. You’ll also be making room for more dead skin cells to be shed, therefore speeding up how quickly you’re able to eliminate those many layers of discolored skin cells.

When tackling the appearance of hyperpigmentation, chemical exfoliants tend to work best. Alpha-hydroxy acids not only gently exfoliate the skin but also brighten the complexion. At the same time, they also have an amazing moisturizing effect.

Of course, using an overly harsh acid could end up making your hyperpigmentation worse. So, go with a gentler AHA, such as almond-derived mandelic acid. You’ll find it in the Lavelier Intensive Facial Peel, an exfoliant that’s fantastic for fading the visibility of hyperpigmentation over time. 

What makes this product such a superstar is its unique blend of ingredients. In addition to its exfoliating agents, it also contains vitamin C, green tea extract, vitamin A, and several other ingredients that are known for their complexion-brightening properties.

Add Vitamin C to Your Skincare Routine

vitamin c serum

As mentioned, vitamin C is a great ingredient to use if you’re trying to tackle the appearance of hyperpigmentation. 

Studies show that vitamin C is capable of significantly lightening the look of excess pigmentation in the skin. At the same time, it also has a smoothening effect on the complexion, ironing away the appearance of wrinkles.

In order to experience these results, vitamin C needs to be used long-term. Ideally, it should also be used in a form that makes it readily available to skin cells. 

This is why, as more and more studies confirming the potency of vitamin C have emerged, vitamin C serums have become increasingly popular. Lightweight and fast-absorbing, a vitamin C serum is the perfect way to pamper your skin with this multitasking antioxidant.

For best results, look for a serum that combines vitamin C with other antioxidants, just like the Lavelier Nourishing Vitamin C Serum. It boasts two forms of vitamin C, plus vitamin A, vitamin E, and antioxidant-rich coral seaweed extract.

Give Niacinamide a Try

blue algae beauty skincare duo

Niacinamide, or vitamin B3, is another ingredient well worth trying when dealing with hyperpigmentation. Just like vitamin C, there are numerous studies backing up how niacinamide can significantly decrease the look of hyperpigmentation while lightening the overall complexion.

It soothes the feeling of inflammation too, making it useful if this is what caused your dark spots to appear in the first place. 

With that said, it’s not just the appearance of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation that niacinamide helps with. It has also been proven to majorly improve the look of facial melasma too. Since this ingredient can be safely used during pregnancy, many women use it to prevent the appearance of hormone-related discoloration from developing to begin with.

Want to add niacinamide to your skincare routine? You can do exactly that with the Lavelier Blue Algae Beauty Skincare Duo. This two-part system consists of the Blue Algae Regenerating Powder and the Blue Algae Calming Concentrate. The powder, which contains niacinamide, resveratrol, and other complexion-lightening compounds, is applied first. This is then followed by the serum, which is packed with ingredients that will rejuvenate the look of your skin.

Prevent the Appearance of New Dark Spots With SPF

divine day defense

As we mentioned earlier, sun damage is one of the primary causes of dark spots. This can be tricky to identify because the effects of sun damage aren’t visible straight away. Instead, it accumulates in the skin, only rearing its head as the skin ages.

Once you start to notice UV-related dark spots appearing on your face, chances are that others aren’t too far behind. Continued UV exposure will bring them to light in no time while also darkening existing patches of hyperpigmentation. 

This makes it vital to start being more diligent about protecting your skin from the sun. After all, there’s no point putting all of that effort into trying to get rid of your existing dark spots when the sun is making them worse at the same time.

The Lavelier Divine Day Defense SPF 30 makes this easy. It’s designed to do two things; protect your skin from UV rays while also acting as a moisturizer. It’s infused with green tea extract, coral seaweed extract, and vitamins, ensuring that your complexion remains guarded against all forms of environmental damage throughout the day.

Use Aloe Vera to Diminish the Visibility of Dark Marks

hydrotherm intense masque

Another ingredient that experts often recommend for fading the look of dark marks is aloe vera. Studies have found it to be successful at reducing the appearance of melasma, and it can help with the visibility of other forms of hyperpigmentation too. 

Aloe vera is also an incredibly hydrating ingredient. It boosts the skin’s moisture levels, keeping it looking plump and supple. This can also help to make hyperpigmentation look less noticeable.

There are a few different ways to make use of aloe vera. The first is to obtain it as a plant, so that you can scrape out its fresh gel.

A less messy option would be to turn to skincare products that have been formulated with aloe vera. You’ll find the ingredient in a number of Lavelier products, such as the Nano Gold Serum. This product contains a variety of other antioxidant-rich ingredients too, making it a great one for dealing with all forms of visible skin damage.

The HydroTherm Intense Masque would also be a good choice. It’s a clay-based mask that will draw impurities out of your skin, leaving it feeling detoxified. As it does so, the aloe vera, vitamins, and numerous botanical extracts in this formula can make their way into your skin.

Of course, let’s not forget that aloe vera can be ingested too. It’s particularly popular in the form of beverages. Adding aloe vera to both your diet as well as your skincare routine would be a great way to provide this ingredient to your skin from both the inside as well as the outside.

Consider Professional Treatments

If you’ve already tried all of the above tips and products and haven’t had any success, then professional treatments should be your next step.

You have plenty of options to choose from, including:

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are essentially a more intense form of at-home exfoliation. They’ll remove more layers of your skin, enabling them to fade the look of dark spots at a much faster rate. 

The downside to a chemical peel is that it can often worsen or cause hyperpigmentation in people with darker skin tones. This can be permanent, making it important to choose a reputable provider who understands how to formulate peels for dark skin tones.


Microdermabrasion is another form of exfoliation. It makes use of a device that emits tiny particles that sand away the outer layers of skin. This helps to remove discolored skin cells.

Unlike some of the professional treatments listed here, microdermabrasion is suitable for all skin types and tones.


Microneedling involves a tool called a derma roller. It contains hundreds of tiny needles that create micro-injuries in the skin when rolled over the skin’s surface. This stimulates the skin’s natural healing processes, which helps to eliminate excess pigment. 

Although at-home microneedling devices are available, these don’t offer the same level of penetration as professional devices, which is what you need when dealing with hyperpigmentation. When carried out by a professional, you’ll start to notice an improvement in your hyperpigmentation after about a week.

Laser Treatments

Although laser treatments can be pretty costly, they’re extremely effective. They send a beam of light into the skin to break up excess pigment. This is then absorbed and eliminated by the lymphatic system. 

Again, just like chemical peels, certain lasers can be problematic for people with dark skin tones. This is something that your provider can advise you on in more detail.


Although hyperpigmentation is purely a cosmetic concern, it can still very much impact a person’s confidence. There’s nothing wrong with leaving your hyperpigmentation as it is – this isn’t going to affect your health in any way. However, if you would like to attempt to fade the look of those dark spots to restore an even complexion, then the methods that we’ve shared above are definitely worth trying.

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