

The Secret Ingredient in Your Kitchen That Fights the Appearance of Wrinkles

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The Secret Ingredient in Your Kitchen That Fights the Appearance of Wrinkles

Although wrinkles aren’t harmful in any way, nobody enjoys seeing those lines appearing on their skin. They’re a stark reminder of the aging process catching up on you, often leaving people looking much older on the outside than they feel on the inside.

The good news is that there are plenty of ingredients out there that are capable of fighting the appearance of wrinkles, and they don’t all involve spending hundreds of dollars on new skincare products. In fact, there’s a good chance that your kitchen already happens to be stocked with one of the best ingredients out there for turning back the clock on your complexion; green tea. If you don’t already have a box of green tea sitting in your pantry, Lavelier is about to explain why this ingredient needs to be at the top of your next grocery list.

What is Green Tea?

All types of tea come from the camellia sinensis plant, including green tea. The differences between the teas come from how they’re fermented and processed. 

In the case of green tea, the green leaf tips of the plant are carefully harvested and then dried without fermentation. Not only does this give the tea leaves their vivid green color but it also allows those leaves to retain the majority of their nutrients. With other teas, these are largely lost during fermentation and processing. This is why green tea, when compared to other teas, has the highest concentration of polyphenols, which are highly potent antioxidants.

How Does Green Tea Fight the Appearance of Wrinkles?

Whether you drink green tea or apply it topically, one of the biggest benefits that come from this ingredient is the way in which it can reduce the visibility of wrinkles. This is largely down to the ingredient’s powerful polyphenols. These antioxidants fight the appearance of oxidative damage, helping to mitigate the look of external skin aging. 

Green tea also boasts a high amount of vitamin B2. This helps to leave the skin looking tighter and feeling firmer. Studies confirm this, with one showing that a combination of drinking green tea and applying it topically can give the skin a bouncier and more elastic feel, with wrinkles looking much less noticeable. 

This is helped by the fact that green tea also fights the appearance of sun damage in the skin – something else that has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies. With the sun being largely responsible for the development of fine lines and wrinkles, this puts a stop to the visibility of aging before it really takes a toll.

What Else Does Green Tea Do for the Skin?

What makes green tea a true superstar is that its benefits don’t stop at preventing and reversing the appearance of aging. It boosts the complexion in many other ways too!

The way in which green tea is able to lower the feeling of inflammation in the skin is another reason why it’s so loved. Inflammation can lead to a variety of skin concerns, from acne to psoriasis to rosacea. Ensuring that your skin doesn’t feel inflamed or irritated, which green tea can help with, will leave you with a much calmer, clearer, and more balanced complexion.

Speaking of inflammation and acne, green tea is also known for how it can leave the skin feeling less oily. These effects are thanks to ECGC, one of the potent polyphenols in green tea. By inhibiting how greasy the skin feels, clogged pores will be less likely.

Let’s not forget that green tea is a natural source of caffeine too, albeit in small quantities. This makes it a great ingredient for reducing the look of swelling and puffiness around the eyes. The caffeine combined with the way in which green tea lowers the feeling of inflammation helps to keep the eye area looking smooth, firm, and bright.

Adding Green Tea to Your Skincare Routine

If you’re hoping to turn to green tea in an attempt to fight the appearance of wrinkles, it’s best to make the most of the ingredient. How? By using it in multiple forms. Drinking it is one. Two to three cups a day is the recommended amount for noticeable improvements in the complexion. However, don’t forget that green tea contains caffeine! You may want to save this drink for the mornings so that it doesn’t keep you up at night.

In addition to consuming green tea, applying the ingredient topically would also be a good idea. This way, your skin will be able to directly benefit from the ingredient and all of its powerful compounds. Here are some Lavelier products that showcase the skin-loving benefits offered by green tea:

The Nano Gold Serum

Nano Gold Serum

Serums are reputed as being the best way to target visible skin concerns with certain ingredients. This is down to how serums are such lightweight products, enabling them to penetrate deeper into the complexion than thicker formulas, such as creams.

In the case of the Nano Gold Serum from Lavelier, this silky solution is a must-have in your quest to achieve younger-looking skin. Not only does it boast green tea, but it’s also packed with a variety of other antioxidant-rich ingredients. From chamomile and calendula to beech and aloe vera, each botanical extract in this formula works to emphasize how green tea boosts the complexion. The fact that this serum also contains peptides is the icing on the cake. This is another ingredient that’s renowned for how it can reduce the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles.

The Moisture Allure Cream

Moisture Allure Cream

Looking for a green tea-infused moisturizer that can be used on oily skin? The Lavelier Moisture Allure Cream won’t disappoint. 

Again, this lightweight cream combines green tea with a blend of other antioxidant-rich ingredients. Aloe vera, coral seaweed, and vitamin A are just a few on the list. All of these ingredients are known for their ability to promote skin that looks smoother and tighter. Try applying this moisturizer over the top of the serum featured above. This way, you’ll be able to give your skin a double dose of green tea!

The HydroTherm Completion Creme

HydroTherm Completion Creme

Another green tea moisturizer that works well on oily skin is the Lavelier HydroTherm Completion Creme. This formula is a little richer than the moisturizer featured above but it also happens to be exceptionally hydrating. You’ll find everything from sodium hyaluronate and glycerin to cucumber fruit extract and coral seaweed extract in this exquisite cream. This ensures a dewy glow after each application.

This moisturizer also contains retinol, one of the more powerful forms of vitamin A. You’ll find resveratrol in this blend too – an antioxidant that has been proven to help prevent the appearance of skin aging. When combined with green tea, the visible results are even greater!

The Marine Evening Repair Cream

Marine Evening Repair Cream

While the moisturizers that we’ve just featured can be used on dry skin too, those with dry skin may find that those formulas aren’t rich enough. This is particularly the case if your dryness is severe. This is where the Lavelier Marine Evening Repair Cream can help. 

It brings green tea together with some of the best moisturizing ingredients around. Between shea butter, jojoba seed oil, vitamin E, and sweet almond oil, your skin will feel softer and more supple than ever. Thanks to aloe vera, coral seaweed extract, and sodium hyaluronate, this cream is extremely hydrating too. It will immediately leave your skin looking plumper and fuller. This has the effect of making wrinkles less noticeable. It’ll also give your skin a more elastic feel.

The Oceana Refining Coral Peel

Oceana Refining Coral Peel

Exfoliation is an important part of skincare. The right exfoliator will help you to keep your skin looking smooth and youthful. Likewise, the wrong exfoliator will only accelerate the aging process. This will speed up wrinkle development.

Ideally, you want to be gentle with your skin when exfoliating – something that the Oceana Refining Coral Peel from Lavelier excels at. It exfoliates with a combination of mandelic acid and bamboo powder. This leaves the skin looking bright and polished but without causing any irritation. The fact that there’s green tea in this exfoliator too helps to prevent the look of inflammation. It also enables the formula to provide a plethora of antioxidants.

Using Green Tea Bags on Your Skin

Oceana Breezy Facial Cleanser

Of course, in addition to purchasing topical products that contain green tea extract, you could also try using green tea bags themselves on your skin. Although there aren’t any clinical studies that back up the benefits of this, anecdotal evidence shows that they can still be useful. This is particularly the case when it comes to diminishing the look of puffiness around the eyes.

Want to give this a try? Steep two green tea bags in some water – just like you would if you were making green tea to drink. Then, squeeze the bags to remove excess water before refrigerating the bags for about 20 minutes. Once they’re chilled, lie back, close your eyes, and place a green tea bag over each one. Try to avoid moisture seeping into your eyes. This may only cause irritation. Lie there for about 30 minutes if possible and your eye area should look soothed and refreshed once you’re done!

For best results, make sure that you first remove any makeup and cleanse your face. Use a gentle cleanser to do so, such as the Lavelier Oceana Breezy Facial Cleanser. You should also make sure that you’re using green tea bags that don’t have any staples (ouch!).


When it comes to the complexion, there isn’t much that green tea can’t do! This multi-tasking ingredient will help with the appearance of everything from wrinkles to acne to eye bags. With some of the most powerful antioxidants around, this is an ingredient that’s more than worth adding to your skincare routine, as well as your diet – you’ll soon start to see the differences in both your skin and your health!

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